Sponsor Spotlight

Health IT Pittsburgh

Health IT Pittsburgh is a cluster initiative committed to connecting healthcare & information technology; growing companies, developing our workforce and creating jobs in Western Pennsylvania.

Pittsburgh’s dynamic Health IT environment is perfectly positioned to be a hub of global innovation. By developing and promoting the Region’s unique set of Heath IT attributes the initiative will:

  • Build a cohesive cluster to expand networks, increase opportunities for entrepreneurs, and draw existing Health IT companies to the region.
  • Support start-up companies and university researchers to organically grow the regions Health IT economy and improve competitiveness.
  • Promote workforce development and training to address critical staffing issues and enhance economic development.

Together with our core partners, the University of Pittsburgh Innovation Institute and Partner4Work (formerly the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board), we have received matching funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. In the initial 3-year project, we are aligning regional assets to the common goal of Pittsburgh leadership in Health IT innovation, application and workforce development. Our work agenda is:

  1. Help define the best opportunities in Health IT research, development, translation and commercialization. This includes surveying global Health IT technology and business model trends, as well as regional assets in Health IT research, development and commercialization.
  2. Provide training and education to entrepreneurs about the nuances of Health IT business models and commercialization pathways, and assist them in securing early-stage funding for job-creating companies.
  3. Develop a comprehensive view of training and staffing needs for future Health IT developers and practitioners, and deploy novel programs that lower barriers to employment in Health IT fields.

For more information, please go to: www.HealthITPittsburgh.com

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