Webinar Recordings

Webinar Recordings

  • Enabling a Mobile Workforce
    Presenter: Dr. White, MD, FAAFP, CMIO Emeritus of Allegheny Health Network
    Date : Aug 20, 2020 11:26 AM
    Abstract: The talk addresses recent technological advancements and practical considerations of mobile Health IT and their application to care delivery at AHN.
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  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the management of COVID-19
    Presenter: John Kalafut, Chief Scientist & Head of Digital Research @GE Healthcare
    Date : Nov 12, 2020 11:30 AM
    Abstract: Dr. Kalafut informs on the latest understanding of patient pathophysiology, evolving clinical protocols, and efforts to build risk management, decision support, and computational tools for use across the COVID-19 pathway. He discusses various approaches that aim to gain physiologic insights based on diagnostic imaging, vitals, labs and clinical data.
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  • The Roberto App for Neurocognitive and Neuromotor Assessment
    Presenters: Mark Cavicchia, Chief Operating Officer, RC21X; and Wendy Hipsky, Chief Strategist, RC21X
    Date : Nov 18, 2020 11:46 AM
    Abstract: The Roberto App provides neurocognitive and neuromotor assessments to users on any mobile device in under 10 minutes. It engages users to detect even subtle changes to their performance brought on by stress, sleep, exercise and other factors in real-time. Additionally, providers can access that data—either in person or remotely—to offer better care to patients during rehabilitation, recovery, or as part of a long-term care plan. RC21X’s platform also enables mental health practitioners to provide telehealth and remote services when warranted. The FDA has identified Roberto as a Class II Medical Device for monitoring and assisting in the treatment of conditions including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this lunch and learn session, the team behind Roberto provides insights on the science of human performance and how having access to personal data can lead to behavior change. They also cover how the app can fit seamlessly into existing health metrics, and how Roberto can efficiently support research efforts with previously unavailable data.
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  • IT Interventions for Remediating Social Determinants of Health
    Presenter: Steven Albert, PhD, MS, Chair of the Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh
    Date: Dec 1, 2020 11:50 AM
    Abstract: Health IT interventions have come a long way, but they have not fully realized their promise for remediating health disparities. Initial efforts stressed provider decision support, alerts regarding abnormal test results, and quarterly population reports with peer comparisons to spur changes in clinician behavior. Newer approaches stress use of IT and the hospital EHR for remediating disparities in population health. Some of these efforts and initial research by our emerging Social Determinants Lab are presented.
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